Zambolis apartments

Zambolis apartments
For your holidays in Chania

Monday 1 December 2008

Better than Tiffany's (Πρωινό στο ΜΑΙΧ)

I was brought up on the 1970s societal belief that it is important to have a good breakfast before going about one's daily business. Breakfast gives you energy, we were informed, through school leaflets, television advertisements for cornflakes, well-meaning teachers and the like. Breakfast helps you endure a busy morning until lunch, traditionally the time for a sandwich and a piece of fruit, after which you would go home for 'tea', a cooked evening meal. These are my fond memories of an organised Kiwi lifestyle that has probably died out with the advent of the open-all-hours culture, a Kiwi lifestyle that used to be modelled on English patterns until more recently when New Zealand began to take a keener interest in their neighbours, breaking from tradition with their historical links from the past. All this, despite the fact that an English breakfast may have been symbolic of the class system: the upper class English supposedly started having large cooked breakfasts to get them through a day of hunting, fishing and enjoying the English countryside.

When I came to Greece and started working crazy evening hours in the classroom, I had to re-learn meal times. Breakfast had to be transferred to a later time in the morning; it simply wasn't feasible to wake up early after finishing work so late in the evening. The main meal of the day had to be ready by one o'clock in the afternoon, as I finished work at half past ten at night. Lunch became dinner, and dinner usually turned into a midnight feast by the time I got back home. Breakfast became a morning cup of coffee, drunk while enduring the boredom of having very little to do in the morning, before travelling for work in the middle of the day. I was never an 'evening' person. This nightly work routine destroyed my day, with detrimental effects on my meals and eating times.

maich hania chania
MAICh - the tall white building in the distance shows the student dormitories.

In the sedentary lifestyle of the new millenium, a large breakfast seems unwarranted. Offices in all the developed world always have a kitchenette, equipped with a coffee machine and all the paraphernalia associated with the ritual of drinking warm beverages, including a small fridge, a biscuit box and other nibbles. At my workplace, there is much more food available in the office environment than in other workplaces, as we have students living on campus, and there is a whole restaurant working morning, lunch and evening serving them food, as well as the cafe bar where they can buy sodas, frappe, as well as other hot and cold drinks and snacks (toasted sandwiches, rolls and cheese pies) during the day. MAICh is involved in agricultural research, seed growth, crops, harvesting and storage, and both GMO and sustainable agriculture are integral parts of the study programmes at MAICh. Food is everywhere at MAICh, not a desirable feature of the sedentary office environment.

office environment food office environment
The sedentary lifestyle of Organically Cooked; the office environment, equipped with Organically Cooked's pumpkin bread and cheese pies made the restaurant environment food

A typical breakfast in our house starts with milk. There are three types of milk sold in Greece: canned non-sweetened evaporated milk, UHT milk and fresh pasteurised milk, the only one needing refrigeration. We use only fresh milk; anyone who has tasted the canned variety will tell you that it does not taste like real milk and is clearly discernible in a milk-based drink.Every day, we need, on average, a litre of milk among the four of us. Greece has the most expensive price tag for milk in the European Union. We need to spend more than one euro a day on our fresh milk needs; in a country where most people do not make much more than 1000 euro, this is a lot of money.

I used to have some of that milk in my cup of coffee in the mornings when I wasn't working. A sit-down breakfast was out of the question: cooking for the whole family means I am always sampling the meals, so I am always eating something most of the day. Now that I am in an office environment twenty hours a week, I realised I'd be drinking coffee all day if I had one at home; as for needing energy during my working hours, most of the time I am sitting down in an office with plenty of food available, in a food-based environment. So I don't have breakfast at home any more; I simply make it for the children.

*** *** ***

Recently, I had to go into work quite early, to drop off a student's thesis which I had proof-read, so that they could submit it on time before their deadline. I caught the students in their breakfast hour before lessons began. It was the first time in a long while that I was able to enjoy a proper sit-down full breakfast, not prepared by myself. It was the most enjoyable breakfast I had had in a long time.

maich breakfast

MAICh students are graduates from all over the Mediterranean region: this includes Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. There has been an increase in the number of students coming from the rest of Europe, especially since the European expansion. They stay at MAICh on full scholarships, sponsored by CIHAEM, a European organisation involved in agriculture. They stay in accommodation provided on campus and the restaurant provides meal for them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In a summer resort town where foreigners are viewed in two groups (either they are economic migrants, or they are summer tourists), MAICh provides a rare opportunity for the local community to see foreign people as part of an organised international community.

Breakfast offers a huge variety of both traditional and local specialties. Various types of cereals, a range of jams and spreads, fresh bread baked on the premises, tea and coffee, as well as milk and orange juice, compose classic breakfast favorites all over the world, standard hotel fare, also found at MAICh. But the best part of a breakfast at MAICh is the Cretan breakfast menu: bread baked on the premises, olives, fresh tomato slices, boiled eggs, soft curd cheese (mizithra), yoghurt, mountain tea, fresh fruit, honey and rusks. What more could a student want? Better than Tiffany's, if you ask me.

©All Rights Reserved/Organically cooked. No part of this blog may be reproduced and/or copied by any means without prior consent from Maria Verivaki.


  1. I agree! Certainly better than Tiffany's. Another interesting read Maria. I thought consumers stopped buying fresh milk as a protest against the milk companies for their high prices.

  2. My mom would always give us porridge to stick to our ribs during the cold Canadian winters. I have moved away from huge breakfasts but do indulge on weekends.

  3. Breakfast is so important and I'm glad my skipping brekkie days are over.

    I can now drink fresh milk in Greece as 2% is now available. In the old days...the heavy stuff would not go down.

  4. Now that's what I called a hearty morning breakfast.Last time I ate such hearty breakfast was when pregnant.These days its just fruit and milk.Its nice to see an office equipped with good food:)

  5. After reading the summary of your typical days on One Day in Hania, I don't know that I'd describe your lifestyle as particularly sedentary. It sounds more like when you're at work you have some pleasantly peaceful time to yourself!

  6. I know this sounds a little strange but I've purposely put off looking at this particular blog of yours. We're renovating our house and our kitchen is pretty minimalist right now and I don't like to be frustrated about cooking, which I love to do and am sometimes successful at. I think my kitchen will be more fully functioning in the near future and then I can enjoy following some of your recipes. You really put your heart into this and it shows.

  7. I was also brought up on the belief that it is important to have good breakfast. SO, I try to make heavy breakfast (with rice) and light dinner. Often, Hubby would be in a hurry to go to work, so I would just pack it in a "breakfast" bag.

    It would be great to have breakfast prepared by others :)

  8. I feel sick if I don't eat something in the mornings even it is just a cup of coffee and a slice of toast.

  9. That last picture makes me hungry for a lovely Mediterranean breakfast right now. It's filling and not greasy. We have a big, nice breakfast every weekend with my husband, however on weekdays we take our fruit to work and eat them for breakfast. I always feel better when I eat proper breakfast though.

  10. Hello, great blog. Being a Greek living abroad, it's always nice to see pictures from Crete (pics that aren't from the news, that is...)

    Concerning fresh milk in Greece, I think that the "very fresh" variety is not available in many places. Greece is a small country, which means shipping is usually fast, so you can have (minimally processed) pasteurized milk that lasts only 3-4 days in the fridge, which means it is *really* fresh.
    I've lived in the US for a few years and now am in France, and I haven't found anything of the sort (i.e. in a supermarket--I can get raw milk from a farmers' market here, but that's a local exception). The closest thing I could find in a supermarket, both in the US and in France, is pasteurized milk that lasts 2 or 3 weeks in the fridge. It is quite good, but it doesn't taste as "fresh" as the 2-day kind.
