"Sunday trading" is the phrase used int he west to denote shops opening up on Sundays. In Greece, we haven't quite got a phrase that can be translated in the same way - it is more likely to hear about the Κυριακάτικη αργία - the "Sunday holiday". So you can understand form this that Sunday trading is regarded as an abomination, according to Greek shop owners and workers. But Sunday trading is regarded as quite 'normal' by most Western countries for at least two decades now. I remember when it was first introduced in New Zealand, and I thought it was a little weird... but now that it's commonplace, I think it's a perfect way to brighten up the drab atmosphere of the ghost town appearance of our commercial centres after the shops close down on Saturday at 2-3pm.
The business community of Hania declared that they would not open their stores on Sunday, so I am assuming that the shops were closed in the centre, but I heard that supermarkets (which don't fit into the small-medium enterprise framework) would open this Sunday around the country. I had no shopping to do, so I don't know what happened in the areas of Hania where those supermarkets opened. I am sure that quite a bit of harassment took place from the anti groups, as these photos clearly depict, taken in Athens, which always bears the brunt of all forces.
In such a hugely democratic country that we were in the past, where simply anything went, and anyone could do what they liked with complete disregard to how others felt, because in those days there were no rules against such behaviour (and if there were any rules, there was little or no monitoring), it seems such a huge breach of rights to prevent someone from doing what they feel like doing. This was made more obvious to me by my son's reaction during a conversation with his dad on Saturday night:
- If they are letting the supermarkets open on Sunday, then small businesses will close down because supermarkets will take away their business (dad said).
- I don't get it dad, if the small businesses are open, then people may choose to go to them too, just like they do already.
- Well, if the supermarkets open, then other smaller businesses will be swayed to open, because they will feel they are losing out on business.
- That makes sense, doesn't it, dad?
- But Sunday should be a rest day for shop workers.
- Any shops that don't want to open can stay shut if they want.
- But they won't - they will be swayed into opening too.
- How can they be swayed to open, dad? They can stay closed if they want to.
- But... they will either be losing profits or losing their day of rest (says dad, a little tongue-tied by now).
- So why do you work on Sundays, dad?
- Well... I'm a taxi driver... I'm not a shop... (and a few more flimsy excuses).
- OK, dad, don't go to work tomorrow then.
So what do you think dad did the next day, which was a Sunday? Did he go to work in his taxi?
(see the comments section for the answer)
I never really saw it as an economic crisis - it's more an identity crisis, where we have to make changes to suit our choices, not just our pockets.
©All Rights Reserved/Organically cooked. No part of this blog may be reproduced and/or copied by any means without prior consent from Maria Verivaki.
SUNDAY SHOPPING The streets of many cities around the country were busier than usual on Sunday, as shops opened for the first time on Sundays outside the holiday period. The first phase of Sunday opening also kicked off a ten-day sales period. Shop owner unions, who were unhappy with the move, said the more people seemed to be window shopping rather than actual shopping. Nevertheless, Development Minister Kostis Hatzidakis said "our cities are changing image today. The consumers have embraced both the idea of the new sales 10-day periods and the opening of stores on Sunday. Therefore, we did very well in not listening to those fearing what is new. We are following what is taking place in most European countries. Why should it not take place in Greece as well?" Describing the move as "unacceptable and reactionary", main opposition Syriza said that "only big department stores and the multinational chains will benefit from the redistribution of the reduced turnover" cause by its salary and pension cuts. http://www.enetenglish.gr/?i=news.en.home&id=1583Yesterday was, supposedly, the first Sunday that shops were allowed to open in Greece - but this is a half-truth. In tourist areas, shops are open all day long every day. Then there are the Easter and Christmas Sunday shopping days, to allow people to get more shopping done at more convenient times for them. But when Sunday trading happens simply as a way to allow people to shop when they feel like it, and not for any special reason, people get hoity-toity about it in Greece, with flimsy excuses like "It's the Lord's day" (ask doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen, etc about the Easters and Christmases they've spent on duty), and "Everyone deserves a day of rest" (ask those same shift workers about the day they prefer to have off, so they can get any real personal work done, like take your kids for a medical check-up, do some banking, etc).
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Never (trade) on a Sunday, complete with Melina Mercouri waving to sailors on the wharf. |
Την Κυριακή 3 Νοεμβρίου 2013 ξεκινάει η εφαρμογή του νόμου με τον οποίο η κυβέρνηση ΝΔ - ΠΑΣΟΚ σε συνεργασία με την εργοδοσία επιδιώκουν να καταργήσουν την κυριακάτικη αργία. Ο συγκεκριμένος νόμος προβλέπει την καθιέρωση τεσσάρων εκπτωτικών περιόδων το χρόνο, με την πρώτη Κυριακή κάθε περιόδου να θεωρείται εργάσιμη. Είναι δεδομένο ότι αυτό το μέτρο θα γίνει προσπάθεια να γενικευθεί σε όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερες Κυριακές, άλλωστε ο συγκεκριμένος νόμος ήδη δίνει τη δυνατότητα να ανοίγουν όλες τις Κυριακές του έτους τα εμπορικά καταστήματα μέχρι 250 τ.μ. Η απελευθέρωση του ωραρίου αποτελεί χρόνιο αίτημα του ΣΕΒ. Το νέο αυτό μέτρο οδηγεί στην εξόντωση των εργαζομένων στο εμπόριο καθώς ο ελεύθερός τους χρόνος συρρικνώνεται δραματικά, η εργασία τους εντατικοποιείται ακόμα περισσότερο.Φυσικά το νέο μέτρο δεν αφορά μόνο τους εργαζόμενους στο εμπόριο. Το επόμενο βήμα για την κυβέρνηση στην συρρίκνωση των αργιών είναι οι κλάδοι που συνδέονται με το εμπόριο, πχ λογιστές, τραπεζοϋπάλληλοι, συμβολαιογράφοι για να μπορέσει να «δουλέψει η οικονομία» και φυσικά στόχος του μεγάλου κεφαλαίου αποτελεί η 7ήμερη εργασία για όλους τους εργαζόμενουςΟι εκπρόσωποι της κυβέρνησης θεωρούν ότι το «πρωτογενές πλεόνασμα» και το «success story» περνάει μέσα από την 7ήμερη εργασία, ο ελληνικός λαός όμως ξέρει ότι τα άδεια καταστήματα πολλαπλασιάζονται επειδή το εισόδημα του έχει μειωθεί από 40 έως 60% από το 2010, από την γιγάντωση της ανεργίας, κι από την διαρκή φοροληστεία που έχουν εξαπολύσεις οι κυβερνήσεις ΝΔ και ΠΑΣΟΚ και δεν μπορεί πλέον να ψωνίζει ούτε τις καθημερινές !Ως ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ ΧανίωνΚαλούμε τους εργαζόμενους στο εμπόριο να βάλουν φρένο στην κατάργηση της κυριακάτικης αργίας, στην ελαστικοποίηση του ωραρίου τους, στην συρρίκνωση του ελεύθερου χρόνου τους απεργώντας την Κυριακή 3 ΝοέμβρηΚαλούμε τους αυτοαπασχολούμενους στο χώρο του εμπορίου, σε συστράτευση και κοινό αγώνα με τους εμποροϋπαλλήλους. Τους καλούμε να κάνουν πράξη τις αποφάσεις που πήραν το προηγούμενο διάστημα ενάντια στο άνοιγμα των καταστημάτων τις Κυριακές, να αντιδράσουν και να καταδικάσουν στην πράξη την κατάργηση της κυριακάτικης αργίαςΚαλούμε το Εργατικό Κέντρο Χανίων να πράξει το αυτονόητο, δηλαδή να κηρύξει απεργία την Κυριακή 3 Νοέμβρη.Καλούμε τους εργαζόμενους που δεν δουλεύουν εκείνη την μέρα να συμμετέχουν σε απεργιακές φρουρές για να ανατραπεί αυτό το μέτρο. Για να μην χρειαστεί οι ίδιοι να απεργήσουν κάποια επόμενη Κυριακή που θα έχει γενικευτεί το μέτροΚαλούμε τους Χανιώτες και τις Χανιώτισσες να μην πάνε να ψωνίσουν την Κυριακή 3 Νοέμβρη, να μην στηρίξουν με την στάση τους αυτή την απόφαση.Υπερασπιζόμαστε την Κυριακή ως υποχρεωτική αργία για όλα τα καταστήματα. Κατάργηση της μερικής απασχόλησης, του ωρομίσθιου, των συμβάσεων ορισμένου χρόνου και όλων των ελαστικών μορφών εργασίας και μετατροπής τους σε 8ωρες συμβάσεις αορίστου χρόνου. Υπογραφή κλαδικής σύμβασης.ΑΝΤ.ΑΡ.ΣΥ.Α. Χανίων
Ι found this leaflet in my supermarket trolley this morning - the same text is available here - from the "Front of the Greek Anticapitalist Left" (a name that presumably distinguishes them from the 'capitalist left').
- If they are letting the supermarkets open on Sunday, then small businesses will close down because supermarkets will take away their business (dad said).
- I don't get it dad, if the small businesses are open, then people may choose to go to them too, just like they do already.
- Well, if the supermarkets open, then other smaller businesses will be swayed to open, because they will feel they are losing out on business.
- That makes sense, doesn't it, dad?
- But Sunday should be a rest day for shop workers.
- Any shops that don't want to open can stay shut if they want.
- But they won't - they will be swayed into opening too.
- How can they be swayed to open, dad? They can stay closed if they want to.
- But... they will either be losing profits or losing their day of rest (says dad, a little tongue-tied by now).
- So why do you work on Sundays, dad?
- Well... I'm a taxi driver... I'm not a shop... (and a few more flimsy excuses).
- OK, dad, don't go to work tomorrow then.
So what do you think dad did the next day, which was a Sunday? Did he go to work in his taxi?
(see the comments section for the answer)
I never really saw it as an economic crisis - it's more an identity crisis, where we have to make changes to suit our choices, not just our pockets.
©All Rights Reserved/Organically cooked. No part of this blog may be reproduced and/or copied by any means without prior consent from Maria Verivaki.
no, he didnt, all becos of that conversation with his son