Zambolis apartments

Zambolis apartments
For your holidays in Chania

Saturday 13 October 2007

Guacomole (Αβοκάντο κρέμα)

Avocados are a relatively new fruit to Greece. The southern Greek climate is perfectly suited for their rapid growth, they are a sturdy plant not prone to serious attacks by pests and disease, and as their market value is high, the avocado has become one of the most popular alternative crops being planted in Crete. When they were first brought out onto the Greek market, the locals basically didn't know what to make of them. They thought of them as a fruit, so they served them after the traditional olive oil-y meal. They weren't sweet enough, so they sprinkled some sugar over them (thereby doubling the caloric value of the crop itself). They were then told to eat them as a salad, so they cut them up in a shallow dish and doused them in olive oil, not taking into account that the avocado itself was naturally endowed with its own lipids. I think that Greeks still view them as a mysterious crop. Avocado lends itself in Greek cuisine as a colourful addition to a tomato or lettuce salad, omitting the copious amounts of oil.
Here is my favorite dip, taking pride of place over traditional Greek dips such as taramosalata and hummus (but not tzatziki - that's a special one when made properly). With a hint of hot spice, it's perfect for chilly winter weather. Maybe it's the green colour; I even had my walls painted light green when I was living all by myself (and had control over whatever happened in my life, and made up my own rules about how I wanted to live). We have guacomole with bean or lentil soup, and dry roast meats. I love it with julienned vegetables (carrots, celery, cucumber) and crisps.
Take one soft but not bruised avocado. The one I used looked like the one in the photo; it was a South African imported variety (I'm still waiting for someone to give me some avocados fromt he village). Peel and stone it, put it into the blender with three cloves of garlic, some salt, a pinch of ground chili pepper, and the juice of a large lemon. Whizz everything together. If the mixture seems a bit gritty, and it isn't blending together, add a tablespoon of tomato juice or olive oil in the blender to smoothen out the lumps.

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  1. Bought two cretan avocados from Lidl a week ago and they ripened perfectly. One was blended with a very small onion and the juice of half a lemon although I also thought garlic would be more matching to its smooth texture like in eggplant dip. The flavor and texture of onion was overpowering. Will try the next one tomorrow with garlic. I am looking forward to impress guests with my avocado dip. I am sure not only they have never tried it they have not even heard of it.

  2. you are right about the onion - don't use it; use garlic and chili instead. my husband loves this dip - he had never tried it before he met me. i like avocado in green salads

  3. Do you have Haas avocados in Crete? They are the best in my opinion. The skins are much rougher than the other type. I like my guacamole with lime juice instead of lemon. Add chopped chiles (keep a portion back for those not liking them) tomato if liked and garnish with chopped cilantro/coriander. I had a delicious meal from a Mexican street vendor last week and he made all his guacs and salsas in front of you. He also served onions marinated in lime juice and chiles. Also a pico de gallo which was chopped tomatoes, onions, chiles, cilantro and lime juice. So good. Next time you come to London you must try his food. Your children could have his cheese quesadillas as I can see they don't like the spicy stuff!

  4. I know several ancient avocado trees in Cretan villages, so I'm not sure why you assert that it is a new crop. Avocados, like all fruit and vegetables, taste extraordinarily different from Crete, a real joy to eat.

  5. first i've heard of them, ian, all i know is the locals needed to be taught how to eat them
