
Thursday 19 September 2013

Blood (Αίμα)

La démocratie est morte, a commentator wrote in a French newspaper article, là où elle est née ! Diogène: sort de ton tonneau, ils sont devenus fous.

So far in the revolution that has been developing over the last four years, manifested by an identity crisis, Greece has managed to keep the bloodshed levels down. Apart from a few near-deaths where a lot of blood was actually shed, just 3 people (the bank workers) have been killed during Greek protests in the last four years, while a couple (or three - I am not keeping track) suffered heart attacks or seizures during a protest that they had taken part in. I will not count the increasing number of suicides that have taken place (these people weren't killed - they killed themselves).
As we continue to mourn the lost potential and unlived lives of three young Greeks who died in the Marfin fire, we should also appreciate it is a minor miracle that many others have not lost their lives in such an abrupt way over the last few years as our anguish, anger and hate has poured onto the streets of Athens and other cities. Apart from Dimitris Kotsaridis, the 53-year-old construction worker who collapsed amid the tear gas in front of Parliament in October 2011, and at least two fatal attacks on migrants by suspected supporters of Golden Dawn, Greece has numerous broken bones and other ailments to count, but not deaths.
Until yesterday, Χρυσή Αυγή (Golden Dawn, Aube dorée) supporters had managed to keep fatal attacks to dark-skinned victims. Yesterday's death is significant, because the victim didn't have dark skin, he didn't come from another country, he wasn't living in this country illegally and he wasn't taking part in a political demonstration - he was a young Greek musician. Golden Dawn's motives had always been to start a civil war in Greece, and with yesterday's death, they are bound to be feeling some degree of having succeeded in that.
According to a friend of Roupakios (the 45-year-old charged with Fyssas' murder) quoted by To Vima, [Roypakios] was on Golden Dawn's payroll as were members of his family. He is alleged to have been working in GD's Piraeus office canteen while his wife reportedly worked as a cleaner. His daughter is also alleged to have worked for GD while all family members reportedly participated in the party's "Greeks only" food handouts.
Greece has always had a problem with its covert legalisaton of violence for many years now. Violence has been seen as a democratic right to express yourself with when you are unhappy, and as long as you get away with it, no attempt has ever really been made to stop you from using it to get your way or express your anger: democracy at its finest. Yesterday's death will now be the reason, or should I say the excuse, why more action will now be taken to ensure this doesn't happen again. Without a death, the state would still be pondering the issue, ruminating in the same way as it mulls over economic issues without taking action.
In reaction-happy Greece, preventing a meeting of a democratically elected body because the left doesn’t like it is an everyday occurrence. Even if they had walled the professors into the building it would still have been seen as “nothing” and any police intervention deemed as “unprovoked.” There is even a precedent. In October 2009, a court in Xanthi, northern Greece, cleared six young men after they walled in the vice rector of the University of Thrace, Thanasis Karabinis, in his office. The prosecutor confirmed that the crimes of violence and disturbing the peace had been committed, yet the court said that the six youths were innocent because they were ignorant of the law. Obviously they believed that the law is the right of the student to wall rectors into their offices.
So far, the pathetically ineffective and paltry Greek state, the one that actually allowed a group of biased prejudiced jerks to enter the Greek Parliament and is paying them to be there despite their lack of an action plan for the country, whose presence so far has been characterised by making fund of, cursing, jeering, mocking and poking fun at the pitifully shoddy attempts of the state to rule the country, has let Golden Dawn get away with everything so far but murder. In popular opinion, this has been translated as possibly trying to make the state look angelic in comparison to the opposition. But now that the red line has been crossed and what it hoped would never happen has taken place, does the state really think that it is seen as an angel, or just a silhouette of delayed death?
Το ξέρουμε όλοι ότι η χώρα βρίσκεται σε εξαιρετικά κρίσιμη στιγμή. Και ότι ο λαός μας υπομένει τις μεγαλύτερες θυσίες. Για να νικήσει την κρίση. Και να πετύχει την οικονομική του αναγέννηση. Δεν είναι ώρα για εσωτερικές διαμάχες. Ούτε για ένταση. (A very lacking apology by the Greek Prime Minister about the state of affairs in Greece today.)
Now that somebody - and not a "nobody", such as a nameless undocumented migrant - has actually died through a swift planned attack, the state has suddenly realised that it must do something. But what? It's practically too late now, because the deaths have already started and Golden Dawn's support has gained great ground. We are now able to see their true nature - that of an ogre - but we knew that this was their main feature. Why did we - yes, we, the whole lot of us, despite our political convictions - allow this destruction to come? We'd be lying if we denied that the chaos was coming.

Has the tide now taken us? Can we do anything about the bastards that continue to destroy the threads of the democratic state that have remained? A lot has been said about banning them and driving them underground. But surely it's too late for that too. If I could handle this myself, I'd take the 45-year-old father-of-two murderer's telephone, and work out who called him out close to midnight to support a planned attack against the rapper, then I'd work out how many people that person called, and who was calling him, and continue along the phone-number chain, swiftly, efficiently and transparently. It is all so easy, and it would even do a world of good to the Greek state. Then I'd begin to bring these freaks to light, one by one, highlighting their odious and monstrous personalities, displaying their thug-like faces on television, and making people see what they really are. (It's not true that an ugly personality can be hidden by a beautiful face - look at this bastard: he never smiles, he just sneers.) There are simple ways to complicated things done.

A 45-year-old suspect arrested over the fatal stabbing of 34-year-old hip hop artist Pavlos Fyssas in the southern Athens suburb of Amfiali, early on Wednesday, allegedly told his wife to throw away his Golden Dawn party card when he realized that his arrest was imminent, Kathimerini understands. Police found evidence of the suspect’s Golden Dawn affiliation in a garbage bag outside the suspect’s residence in Nikaia, southeastern Attica. «Τα έκανε όλα για το χαρτζιλίκι της Χρυσής Αυγής

I am still against banning them; they are the ones that need to be placed behind bars forever, not some old-aged politician, whose assets can be seized so that he is penniless and forced to live like the average Greek, counting the coins in his pocket to see if he can afford a drink at the local cafe.

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