
Sunday 22 September 2013

Aphrodite's Embrace: Winner!

Thanks to all for taking part in the giveaway for the natural beauty products from Aphrodite's Embrace. I got a very good turnout of comments and I hope those of you who checked out Michelle Lasher's products have come away with the feeling that it is possible to make a change from store-bought cosmetics to more natural products.

The winner of the draw was chosen just past midnight, with the help of, using the True Random Number Generator, which started at 1 and ended at 28. (Nos 2, 3, 12 and 26 were not included; they were my comments or the same person commented twice.)

And the result was: No 9 - congratulations to Joy Bonaccorsi (who happens to have a New Zealand connection)! Please email me privately at mverivaki at hotmail dot com so I can send your email address to Aphrodite so that she may embrace you!

UPDATEAphrodite's Embrace would like to add a free waterproof lip balm to anyone who makes any purchases in the week after the winner of the giveaway is announced, so if you make a purchase, make sure you mention my blog in the comment boxes when you place an order.

©All Rights Reserved/Organically cooked. No part of this blog may be reproduced and/or copied by any means without prior consent from Maria Verivaki.

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