
Sunday 15 September 2013

Aphrodite's Embrace: Feeding your skin with natural beauty products (Go on, have a taste!)

GIVEAWAY! Scroll down to the end of the post for a chance to win a beauty care package with some natural cosmetics for organic beauty.

I was very touched to hear Tina Turner say in an not-so-new interview that she has never done drugs or smoked, nor does she drink a lot of alcohol, which of course all goes against the lifestyle she lives and the people she mingles with, notwithstanding a past troubled relationship. It gives me the courage to declare that neither have I ever done drugs, or smoked, or gotten drunk (I once drank a lot of wine at a NZ party because there was no water being offered with the salty food, only alcohol, but it did not make me drunk - it actually had a very sobering effect on me, making me very sleepy), and this is not because I'm some kind of prim and proper goody-two-shoes, as people often stereotype 'boring' people who have not lived their lives to full extremes: I simply didn't feel any desire to get drunk, take drugs or smoke.

I've always had a passion for natural foods and products, which I was able to develop to a great extent when I came to live in Crete. Here, it is very easy to live as naturally as you want/can, without making a great effort or spending a lot of money, as we are generally surrounded by natural substances which we take for granted. This desire for the natural things in life put me off embracing the well-established Western habits in the beauty products sector, such as using make-up or skin products (like the majority of Greek women who 'put on their face' before they leave home, as a friend of mine once said to me). Maybe I am just lucky to be blessed with naturally good skin, which, unfortunately, my husband and children don't actually share with me - they all have very sensitive skin, something that shocked me as I slowly became familiar with the changes in their faces. Genetical inheritances aside, I am very grateful that I don't need to use what I call 'gunk'.

No one is perfect though. My Achilles' heel is actually found close to Achilles' heel - I suffer from overly dry hard cracked skin on the soles of my feet, something I seem to vaguely remember only my father suffering from (but not the rest of my family). But I also know that that's just an excuse: I confess that I don't actually take care of my feet. I walk around barefoot in and around my home throughout the year (with socks only when it's really cold) and I hardly ever wear anything other than flip-flops during summer. I practically deserve to have dry cracked skin on the soles of my feet.

Whether this condition causes you pain, or you simply feel that it looks very unsightly, there is little you can do to alleviate the condition if you don't use some kind of skin softener. Natural remedies for controlling this problem are time-consuming and rather messy. Applying a mashed banana and honey poultice on a regular basis isn't cheap, nor is it practical to keep applying olive oil on the soles of your feet - imagine all the stains... In my quest to keep things natural, I bought two rather expensive products packaged in attractive clip-top preserving jars from a well known store... and found that they simply DID NOT work! These products put me off buying anything else for a long time. I then bought a cheaper supermarket product which worked much better than the expensive 'natural' stuff (which I realised was more about supporting good causes than actually being effective for what they were being sold as) but it contained ingredients that would only be recognisable to chemists, eg Benzyl Benzoate, Betaine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Myristyl Myristate, P-Anisic Acid... It's really sad to feel that you need to resort to smearing chemicals on your body on a regular basis to make you feel good.

Glasgow Neat :: Free Template by

In my search for a completely natural and cheap product for my problem, I came across Aphrodite's Embrace (after the Greek goddess of love) which promotes beauty products with the motto: "Go ahead, have a taste"! I contacted the site owner, Michelle Lasher, a young mother who created a range of natural beauty products during her pregnancy when she suddenly realised that she was using substances on her body that could affect her unborn child. She began experimenting with products she made herself, using completely natural substances, which she is now selling online. I think it's true to say that in this day and age, more and more people are turning back to nature, having tired of chemically saturated products that harm us in such subtle ways that we really can't work out which one causes our irritations, as we imbibe so many artificial products via so many manufactured food and beauty products, not to mention the general polluted state of the air through means of transport, chimneys etc. So Michelle's products are regarded as highly desirable in our times.

On hearing that I live in Greece, Michelle was overjoyed: her husband is Greek - now that is an amazing coincidence, especially since we really did not know anything about each other! She was also very excited to hear about my website and my interest in natural products. Michelle directed me to the product I could use to help soothe my cracked dry heels: her homemade organic Baby Bottom Antispetic Healing Cream (US$8), which contains just coconut oil, olive oil, beeswax, tea tree and lavender essential oil - and nothing else! I find all these ingredients recognisable and pronounceable.

Another important consideration is that the baby bottom cream has multiple uses, as Michelle explained to me: "It can be used for any dry skin, eg dry elbows, knees, lips, knuckles; it is very healing and can be used for sunburns, scrapes and burns; it has completely replaced other antibacterial ointments in my medicine cabinet. It can be used to prevent stretch marks in pregnancy. If I have any irritated skin, no matter what it is, that is the first thing I put on it. I have a friend that likes it for his eczema." Most of us are fooled by the labelling of commercial beauty products which usually designate a specific use, and we end up buying more products than we need when one product could have done more than one job. People are getting tired of being fooled by big business.

I decided to place an order for the healing cream - the prices at Aphrodite's Embrace seemed quite reasonable - which Michelle said would be packed with a gift of her Lip Quenching Balm (US$2.50) containing beeswax, coconut oil, olive oil and peppermint essential oil. On opening the package (which conveniently fit into my mailbox and arrived only a week after I ordered from Texas to Crete!), I was also surprised to find some more gifts: some Honey Face and Lip Exfoliating Scrub (US$5) containing honey, sugar, baking soda, oatmeal, olive oil, tea tree and lavender essential oils, and a Deep Moisturizing Face and Body Lotion (US$6) containing coconut oil, beeswax  and lavender essential oil and extra virgin olive oil. "Try them," Michelle emailed me, "and tell me what you think." I couldn't wait!
I live in a hot country, but this package from Texas, USA came to Crete, Greece in perfect condition - despite being knocked about during transportation, nothing leaked or looked melted or seeped out of the packaging. The products in the above photo are exactly the same products that were photographed in Michelle's home in the smaller photos above. Michelle sent me - she had photographed them before sending them to me.  
The face scrub felt and smell so natural. The aroma it exudes reminds you of a forest full of honey. In two minutes, just a tiny bit mixed with a little water made the skin around my nose oil- and grit-free (in Greece, the hot summer climate gets muggy in September, and my skin usually feels the effects of the sweat mixed with natural airborne dirt). The moisturiser had a nice matte finish - even my very good skin could feel a difference. I used the lip balm by chance before I had a shower - it's highly waterproof!

And finally, the baby bottom cream: it's absorbed quickly by the skin, and again it leaves a nice non-oily finish, two qualities which are very important elements of a good foot skin softener. Once you apply it, you can't walk around much until it is absorbed, and you don't want an oily sensation because it leaves residues on your socks/shoes. Another very important feature of foot skin softener is how often you need to reapply it; it's simply not something you can do every day/night because it limits your mobility. I've used this product once this week, and I don't feel I need to reapply it until the week passes - I would need two applications with the chemically-saturated supermarket product. So it really is quite effective.

It's a nice feeling to know that I can feed my skin in the same way that I feed my body, with completely natural products, to achieve an organic kind of beauty. And at such a reasonable price.

Beauty Package
Giveaway! Just leave a comment on this post for a chance to win this beauty care package!
And here's the best part: Michelle has asked me to host a giveaway contest for one lucky winner of a beauty care package from Aphrodite's Embrace, for anywhere in the world! Just leave a comment on this post and I will place your names in the draw, to be held in a week's time from now when I will announce the winner.

©All Rights Reserved/Organically cooked. No part of this blog may be reproduced and/or copied by any means without prior consent from Maria Verivaki.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. hear AnotherFan, i hope you will be contactable if you are the winner! (if the draw comes out in your favour, i will simply need an email address and name so that Aphrodite's Embrace can send them to you)

  2. Would love to win this, sounds lovely! Best regards all the way from Kefalonia, Greece.

  3. It all sounds wonderful! Like you, I get cracked heels and have never found anything (other than a good footfile) that works. I'm a great fan of tea-tree oil, so I really fancy the baby bottom cream.

  4. Maria, it sounds like both you and my husband has the same kind of problems with your feet. I would love to win this and maybe he could get nice feet again.

  5. Maria,
    I have interest in natural products for the skin. One Christmas I used made moisturizer using oils for my friends. I used castor oil, lavender and olive oil.

  6. Lesley.Dersley: Hi Maria, I wanted to comment on your site so i could go into the draw but had difficulty. My daughter who lives in Plaka and who follows your blog as I do loves a little shop in Tavronitis that sells organic products. We have a holiday home nearby, for 15 years, your blog keeps us in touch with a things Cretan.

  7. Hi Maria, have followed your blog and love checking in to see what you've been up to & your great photos. I live in Crete but at present am visiting family in UK. I've only been here 1 week but can't wait to come home. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. Thank you for your great articles - my sister, in New Zealand also likes reading your posts...keep up the good work.

  8. Hi Maria, I love your blog,I also love Chania and Organic products. My brother has a health food shop here in Brighton. I am coming over for a week at the end of september,,can't wait!

  9. I hope I'm not too late (I was on holidays). Please consider me for the giveaway :)

    PS: finally managed to buy the carob flour, will be shipping it this week!

  10. Sounds like a very nice product line. I have made the switch to all natural, nontoxic beauty products recently so I am always on the look out for new ones to try. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. I love all-natural beauty products! I'm currently using a neroli soap made by some local Mi'kmaq (native American) people, lip balm made in Nova Scotia (and have some made by a friend in her kitchen, which she sells at craft sales), use various natural products to moisturize (coconut oil, shea butter), and cleanse (I wash my face either with pure, unpasteurized local honey, or a mix of oils). I'd love to try "Aphrodite's Embrace"'s products!

  12. Frances: a tip about your poor feet! Olive oil & cotton socks overnight & your feet will be healed within a few days! You've got plenty of good olive oil down there so give it a try! & you can put it on your face as well! That's all the model Jerry Hall (Mick Jagger's x) ever used on her skin! But those products look great so could you post the link to their site? Thanks!

  13. Hi Maria,
    I love your Blog, and all things Greek, particularly connected to Crete. I'm located only a short distance from Crete, though I am on another continent :-) In my part of the world, it can often be difficult to find good natural beauty products, and so more often than not, I turn to the kitchen and make facial scrubs out of oatmeal and brown sugar and olive oil. With the Aphrodite range, I notice that it says clearly on every jar, "Go on! have a taste." I really like the idea of that as it means that their products are pure with no hidden ingredients. Please enter me in the draw for this lovely gift pack Maria, Thanks from Fiona.

  14. I love natural products and I am so happy that you were able to find something that would help you with your problem Maria... Please enter me in the draw too...

  15. Eucharisto Maria,...for your blog which I very much enjoy, and for the chance to win these lovely products. My nouna and nouno were from Kriti (one from Hania, the other from Iraklion). I have been coming to Greece about once a year - for my work with children and adults with autism - and a few years ago, had the pleasure of working in Kriti. My husband came too, from the States, and we had a wonderful holiday retreat in the mountains. Thank you for your blogs.

  16. Great put my name in,also live in Texas so the shopping will not be that much,if u win ;)

  17. Hi Maria! Thank you for the opportunity to win these amazing-looking products! :)

  18. hahahaha here you go, just for the fun of it. so let's see who'll be the lucky one and where the package'll be going to ! :-) and thanks as well to aphrodite's embrace of course.

    (your friend yosi/ντιάνα ) χαχαχαχα i suppose you don't know this google identity of mine.

  19. Hope I will like the creams as much as I like reading your posts!
    Good luck for everybody.

  20. ChrisPoulacas - put my name down too, please

  21. Kali mera I would love to try out these products I a

    M a very strong believer in natural products
    I am keeping my fingers crossed to be the lucky one to receive your products and see the resultsa after
    Yours diane
    P.s love your blog .
    Just love it .

  22. Morning Maria! This summer is the worse my feet have ever been. I have no idea why.. maybe I'm over 40 now... The dry skin was actually painful this year and I have to confess the embarrassing fact that when i was sitting at the shore at the beach some little fish came over and started nibbling them :P

  23. I would love to try these natural products, particularly for cracked heels. I've just finished using a beef tallow cream which didn't help much, so I'm on a mission to find a solution

  24. Great, would love to try them! Usually we are on the giving end of a giveaway so it makes a nice change to possibly be on the receiving end!
